3 03, 2021

Holy Metropolitanate of Veroia, Naoussa and Campania | 3rd Public Lecture | “Blood of Martyrs and Heroes”

2021-03-03T23:40:08+02:00Categories: Press Bulletins, Video/Shows|

Within the context of the lectures organized by the Holy Metropolitanate of Veroia, Naoussa and Campania on the occasion of the celebration of the bicentenary since the beginning of the Greek Revolution of 1821, on Thursday, [...]

26 02, 2021

Holy Archdiocese of Athens: Sunday, February 28, 2021: One-day Conference on the developments in the research into the Greek Revolution

2021-02-27T00:11:57+02:00Categories: Press Bulletins, Video/Shows|

On Sunday, February 28, 2021, at 18h, the Library of the Holy Archdiocese of Athens will carry out an online Scholarly One-day Conference on the subject “Latest developments in the research into the Greek Revolution [...]

25 02, 2021

Holy Metropolitanate of Veroia, Naoussa and Campania | 2nd Public Lecture | “Blood of Martyrs and Heroes”

2021-03-03T23:47:26+02:00Categories: Video/Shows|

Within the context of the lectures organized by the Holy Metropolitanate of Veroia, Naoussa and Campania on the occasion of the celebration of the bicentenary since the beginning of the Greek Revolution of 1821, on Thursday, [...]

25 02, 2021

Holy Metropolitanate of Messenia: Event in commemoration of the Ethnomartyrs (i.e. National Martyrs)

2021-02-26T23:59:52+02:00Categories: Press Bulletins, Video/Shows|

Continuing the anniversary events planned on the occasion of the celebration of the bicentenary of the commencement of the Greek Revolution, on Saturday, February 27, 2021, the Holy Metropolitanate of Messenia will be [...]

19 02, 2021

Holy Metropolitanate of Veroia, Naoussa and Campania | 1st Public Lecture | “Blood of Martyrs and Heroes”

2021-03-03T23:46:34+02:00Categories: Video/Shows|

Within the context of the lectures organized by the Holy Metropolitanate of Veroia, Naoussa and Campania on the occasion of the celebration of the bicentenary since the beginning of the Greek Revolution of 1821, on Thursday, [...]

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