Holy Metropolitan of Serrai and Nigrita Encyclical

“One of the superb trail blazers of this epic, to whom we modern Serreans owe particular honour and gratitude for what he did in favour of the faith and the fatherland, is also Emmanuel Pappas, General-in-Chief, our fellow countryman, who offered up his entire family and life to the Struggle and sealed this invaluable offer with his death”.

Within the framework of the celebrations of the 200th anniversary of the Greek Revolution, wishing to contribute to the celebration of what essentially is a triple anniversary, namely the 200th anniversary of

a) the National Palingenesia (i.e. Regeneration in Greek) of March 25, 1821 b) the miraculous rescue of the Great Martyr town of Serrai on May 8, 1821 from slaughter by the Ottoman Turks, thanks to the intercession of Saint John, Apostle and Theologian, and

c) the passing of the pioneer of the Revolution in Macedonia, Serrean General-in-Chief Emmanuel Pappas, on December 5, 1821, the Holy Metropolitanate of Serrai and Nigrita has planned a series of events of an anniversary and instructive nature, which, God willing, will be carried out with the collaboration of institutional bodies of the area and of the Holy Synod of the Church of Greece.