Within the framework of the anniversary events across Greece and the Diaspora worldwide in honour of the bicentenary of the National Uprising of 1821 and, as a continuation of the series of the relevant online lectures of the Holy Metropolitanate of Zakynthos through the “Truly” Cultural Centre of Discourse, on Sunday, March 15, 2021, the Protopresbyter of the Ecumenical Throne, Father Panaghiotis Capodistrias, delivered an honorific lecture and poetic contemplation of our national poet, Dionysios Solomos, under the title “Dionysios Solomos, perennial firebrand in one way or another”.

Respectfully referring to the national bard of the fellow Greeks and expresser of the mental vibrations of each one of us, the speaker emphasized the following, inter alia:

A fortiori Solomos, with unrivalled wisdom, encapsulated the innumerable secret facets and fluctuations of the heart and fruitfully rendered them with admirable linguistic and conceptual skillfulness by immortalizing them “inside the Holy Altar of the soul”, by means of the “Light which joyfully tramples down Hades and Charon” as prevalent mystical method, because, whether we wish it or not, “many are the ways of the mind”, as he himself admits. His verses (labyrinthine and erratic in the Autographs, comforting to the point of echoing “Philokalia” when heard) definitely give out a “spiritual fragrance” in the way they creatively pierce or rather lovingly bewilder the suspecting reader. […] The poet raises to a level of a bird’s-eye view and recognition landscapes, feelings, falls and resurrections, animated, innermost, inanimate entities, ideas and matter, dreams and realism, satires or sobs, poisoned or moon-clad characters or Easter-bearing sinners, even though redeemed”.

Father Panaghiotis’ lecture was launched on the YouTube channel of “Truly”. Those interested may watch it again here below: