This year 200 years are completed since the official beginning of the Greek Revolution of 1821, during which our nation, thanks to the sacrifices of our glorious forefathers and the contribution of our Church, shook off the age-long yoke of servitude and became a free state. Through a relevant decision of the Holy Synod of the Church of Greece the current year 2021 has been dedicated to the celebration of our National Palingenesia. The heroic pages of the Greek Revolution of 1821, together with references to the “secret school”, are full of the exploits of the heroic fighters and the anonymous and eminent clergymen (bishops, hieromonks, priests, deacons and monks), who fought so that the faith in Christ and the love for the enslaved fatherland be preserved inextinguishable in the hearts of the Greeks.

Within this framework and in cooperation with the “Akueora” Cultural Association, in the evening of Wednesday, September 29, 2021, at 19h30, in the open-air area of the Baptistery of Saint Lydia, the Holy Metropolitanate of Philippoi, Neapolis and Thassos presents a theatrical performance under the title “Patriarch Saint Gregorios the Fifth” in a free adaptation of the texts by our clergymen, thus participating in this annual celebration.

The invitation by our Church to this special anniversary event is addressed to all with much love, and aims duly to promote a sanctified personality of our Church and nation, who contributed decisively to the outcome of the revolutionary struggle and, moreover, by means of his life of martyrdom and sacrifice, encouraged the rebelling and fighting people and still constitutes a reminder to us all that the fight “for the faith in Christ and the freedom of the fatherland” is constant and arduous.