Live broadcast: online anniversary event of the Holy Metropolitanate of Phthiotis dedicated to the eminent and the anonymous heroines of the Greek Revolution.

From the official Youtube channel of the Holy Metropolitanate of Phthiotis and the radio station of the Holy Metropolitanate (at 89.4 FM) on Monday, February 1, 2021, at 6 p.m., the 6th online anniversary event will be broadcast, dedicated to the contribution of the woman to the Revolution, on the subject “Eminent and anonymous heroines of the Greek Revolution”. A recording of the same event will be broadcast from the Star of Central Greece TV channel at 23h30 of the same day.

According to the original planning, the event would have been accompanied by a joint banqueting of the members of the General Philoptochon Fund and the members of the Parochial Philoptocha Funds of our Holy Metropolitanates, which, however, will not take place because of the pandemic-related prohibitions.

Ms Athanassia Fourlia-Neroli, philologist, will deliver a paper on the subject “Eminent and anonymous heroines of the Greek Revolution”.

The event will be closed by the Most Rev. Metropolitan Symeon of Phthiotis with a fatherly address, while the presentation will be conducted by Mr Petros Kerantzis, philologist-historian, Librarian and responsible for the operation of the Reading Room of the Holy Metropolitanate of Phthiotis.