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So far ekklisia has created 673 blog entries.
13 09, 2021

Holy Metropolitanate of Chios, Psara and Oinoussai: “When we took up arms, we said we did this first for the faith and then for the fatherland. All the nations of the world have and preserve a religion”

2021-09-14T18:48:12+03:00Categories: Press Bulletins|

  Quoting from the speech delivered on October 8, 1838 by Theodoros Kolokotronis to the pupils of the Royal High-school of Athens, Most Rev. Metropolitan Markos of Chios, Psara and Oinoussai performed the sanctification of [...]

12 09, 2021

Concert in the Kallimarmaron Stadium in honour of the Struggle “for faith and freedom”

2021-09-12T18:43:23+03:00Categories: Press Bulletins|

Yesterday, Saturday, September 11, 2021, a grand concert in the Kallimarmaron Panathinaicon Stadium for the bicentenary of the National Palingenesia was carried out successfully, organised by the Synodic Committee of Christian Education of Youth, the [...]

7 09, 2021

Saturday, September 11, 2021: Concert in the Panathinaikon Stadium in honour of the fight for “faith and freedom”

2021-09-08T13:40:46+03:00Categories: Press Bulletins|

  On Saturday, September 11, 2021, at 20h, the Church of Greece honours the bicentenary of the 1821 Revolution by organising a grand concert in the Callimarmaron Panathinaikon Stadium with songs by modern Greek composers [...]

7 09, 2021

Holy Metropolitanate of Thebes and Levadeia |Event in the presence of HB Archbishop Ieronymos of Athens and all Greece and the former President of the Hellenic Republic Mr Procopios Pavlopoulos

2021-09-08T13:37:22+03:00Categories: Press Bulletins|

  An event to honour the bicentenary of the Greek Revolution was organised by the Holy Metropolitanate of Thebes and Levadeia within the framework of the Synodic and peripheral events organised by the Holy Synod [...]

6 09, 2021

Holy Metropolitanate of Ierissos, Mount Athos and Ardamerion: from 1453 to 1821 the Church held a leading part in the enslaved nation. It succeeded in preserving our language and history unharmed and averting Islamisation

2021-09-06T22:29:47+03:00Categories: Press Bulletins, Video/Shows|

On Saturday and Sunday, September 4 and 5, 2021, in the holy church of Saint Nicholas of Ierissos, the Holy Metropolitanate of Ierissos, Mount Athos and Ardamerion celebrated the National Regeneration of 1821, participating in [...]

5 09, 2021

Holy Metropolitanate of Messenia: the Church in Messene prior to and after the Struggle | Bishop Ioseph

2021-09-06T22:25:28+03:00Categories: Press Bulletins|

On the occasion of the bicentenary of the outset of the Greek Revolution and in continuation of the implementation of the anniversary events planned, on Saturday, September 11, 2021, at 18h, the Holy Metropolitanate of [...]

23 08, 2021

An event regarding a novel by the late Ioannis Menounos: Marco the Spy on Cosmas of Aetolia

2021-08-23T14:27:00+03:00Categories: Other Publications, Press Bulletins|

On August 24 Saint Cosmas of Aetolia is commemorated as a fervent Greek clergyman who by means of his sermons contributed to the regeneration of the Greeks at the time of the Turkish Rule. On [...]

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